I thought it fitting to tell my scape goating story after today's double presentations on this topic. And I also learned from another presentation that by telling this story I am making myself immortal in all of your minds....however creepy that may seem....here we go! When I was fourteen years old my family took our annual holiday to Grand Junction Colorado for our ski trip. After our second day of skiing we had a huge dinner as usual and all my little cousins were begging me to take them to the hot tubs at the base of the hill. I agreed and started our walk to take our hot tub. After about twenty minutes of hanging out my little five year old cousin Hannah started to complain about the water hurting her. I was the oldest there, but also helping me watch the younger kids was my brother who was twelve and my other cousin who was Hannah's older sister. We all ignored her and kept on with our game of I spy. Ten minutes went by and Hannah started to cry, we were all upset that she was ending our soak and took her back to the condo. When we got there she was still crying and her mom discovered a rash that had broke out from the chlorine. She was upset that we ignored her crys and although my brother was there, who had begged me to let the little ones go, pleading that he would watch her, and her older sister was there, both had no problem pointing the finger of blame straight in my direction. And I became the scape goat! The End!